

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic care at The WOMB is focused on nurturing and connecting with the innate intelligence inside of every individual. Care is based on eliminating the interference that is causing symptoms and not just on eliminating pain. The WOMB chiropractors use gentle, manual therapies and spinal manipulations that will increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to the joints and muscles that are experiencing pain. An open, balanced and fully unified nervous system allows the body's natural wisdom to unfold exactly as it wants and needs.

How can Chiropractic help me?



It is often the case that fertility challenges are associated with less than optimal nervous system function. Chiropractors reduce nervous system interference allowing clear messages to travel to and from the brain, and throughout the reproductive system. Chiropractic can greatly improve the chances of successful medical procedures such as IVF.


When the main communication highway between brain and body (spinal cord) is clear from any obstruction, tension or distortion, there is greater ease during pregnancy as well as during labour and birth.  When all body systems are clearly connected they can work together in synchrony and balance. Research has shown that Chiropractic care during pregnancy can reduce labour time and result in a more comfortable birth experience.


Breech Babies

If a baby is breech, there is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment which enables balance in a pregnant woman’s pelvis and reduce undue stress to her uterus and supporting ligaments. This balanced state has been clinically shown to allow babies who were breech to turn into a head down position. This Webster Technique has been shown to be 82% effective.


Because infancy is the time of greatest brain and proprioceptive development, our team will look for disturbances in the baby’s nervous system that can cause constipation, ear infections, colic, asthma, allergies, headaches and bedwetting. When adjusting a newborn, a skilled chiropractor will only use pressure equal to that you would comfortable use while pressing on your eye. The child is adjusted by hand and/or adjustive device while either lying on a pillow or on his/her parent.


Our Team

Dr. Michelle Kobayashi (Breker), DC,

Dr. Jasmin Maxymowich, DC, Chiropractor